My Projects

As a game design student, I have had the pleasure of working with some incredibly talented individuals while at school. Here are some of the projects that I have worked on while in school and in my free time.

Lost Operation

Lost Operation was a collaborative project that I and two other students worked on for the last four months of Full Sail's game design program. Throughout the projects creation, we made block meshes of each level as well as creating all of our core game mechanics each week. For the last month of the project we collaborated with game artists to make meshes to put into our level.

Here are some of the things that I have done for this project:

  • Zip line
  • Way point
  • Level 1
  • Coordinates
  • Coin collection
  • Out of bounds
  • Main Menu
  • Sound volume adjusters
  • Menu load

Want to try out Lost Operation? Here is a link!

Level Pacing

Coin Frenzy

Coin Frenzy is a game that I made in my free time. The objective of the game is to collect all of the coins before the timer runs out! Climbing walls and bouncing off lily pads, the player will have to make use of their time on all three paths to be able to win.